South Carolina Police K-9 Association Bylaws
This association shall be known as the South Carolina Police K-9 Association (SCPK9A) (Name adopted January 31, 2006)
1)To unite and assist all Law Enforcement agencies within the State of South Carolina, in training and continue improvements of canines.
2)To establish a working standard for all Law Enforcement canines, handlers, and trainers within the State of South Carolina.
3)To provide educational material through publications, visual aids, and training seminars.
4)To improve the Law Enforcement canine image in the State of South Carolina. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Active Members: Membership to this association shall be opened to any active or retired law enforcement officer or reserve, either federal, state, county, or municipal, with the same goals and objectives as this association, and any correction officer, firefighter canine handler, rescue squad K-9 handlers. Any department that pays for membership of a K-9 handler(s) may have membership revoked and change Handler(s) or remove handler(s) for any reasons. Departments may elect to pay for a specific number of members and supplement at any time. All persons applying for active membership will submit an application to the membership chairperson. Active members have full rights to hold board position and vote. (Adopted February 7, 2006 amended Nov. 6, 2014 )
Associate Members: Associate members shall include any person who trains and or handles K-9's for an established agency or non-profit organization as approved by the executive board and any person sponsored by an active member. Any one submitting an application for associate membership will be subject to a full back ground investigation. An associate member shall enjoy all privileges except that he/she shall not have voting privilege in the election of directors nor shall serve on the Executive Committee Board. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Advisor: Advisor membership shall include a person who has a professional relationship with Law Enforcement K-9's (Attorney, Veterinarian, Police Canine Vendors and Trainers, etc.). Advisor holds a non voting position of the Executive Committee. He/she advises the Executive Board on canine training methods, certification standards, legal matters, medical information, and any other matter that would be in the best interest of the association. Advisors shall represent the association as an expert witness as the need arises. Advisors are appointed by Executive Committee and reappointed yearly. Advisors may hold the position of certifying official. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Regional Coordinators. This committee shall recommend such rules, regulations, amendment, or deletions as may be deemed necessary for the government of the Association. Vacancies which occur in any of the Association's offices, through resignation, death, impeachment, or other reasons, with the exception of the President shall be filled by appointment made by the Executive Committee and shall expire at the next elective term. No officer, director, or member serving on committee as such shall receive any salary or compensation for services rendered to the Association, but officers, directors or members may be reimbursed for their out of pocket expenses incurred reasonably and necessarily in conducting the affairs of the Association. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the South Carolina Police K-9 Association. He / she shall have general and active management of the business of the association, and shall see that the bylaws and all rules and regulations are respected and obeyed. He/she shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. He/she shall have the power to appoint committees and may designate their chairperson. He/she shall appoint the following committees: Grievance, Election, Newsletter and any ad hoc committees necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association. He/she shall appoint pro tempore officers in the event of absences. He/she shall perform such other duties as are usual and incidental to the office of President. He /she is a member ex-officio of all committees except the Election Committee. The President is voted into office every three (3) years by the general membership. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Vice President: The Vice President shall actively assist and support the President in his/her duties and shall be the President pro tempore in the absence of the President, during which time the Vice-President shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of that office. He/she shall be required to attend, with the President, conferences, etc., to which the President is required or expected to attend, in our interest of and /or on behalf of the membership of this Association in order that he/she may be as informed of all matters concerning the Association as is the President. The Vice President shall maintain and coordinate with all certifying officials. He/she shall act as liaison between the President and the chair No officer, director, or member serving on committee as such shall receive any salary or compensation for services rendered to the Association, but officers, directors or members may be reimbursed for their out of pocket expenses incurred reasonably and necessarily in conducting the affairs of the Association persons of committees. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President during the elective term, he/she shall succeed to that office for the remainder of the unexpired term. The Vice President is voted into office every two (2) years by the general membership. (Adopted February 7, 2006 amended Nov. 6, 2014)
Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to accurately record the proceedings at all meetings. Read the minutes of previous meetings and all communications. He /she shall note all members in attendees of regular meetings. He/she shall communicate and correspond with all persons and organizations both within and outside the Association relative to Executive Committee Business. He/she shall receive all monies in the absence of the Treasurer. The Secretary is voted into office every Three (3) years by the general membership. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all monies. All expenditures that exceed one hundred dollars must be pre-approved by the executive committee with a majority vote. The account books as well as all papers in his/her custody shall be open for inspection and examination by the Executive Committee. He/she shall not lend or invest any of the funds except when duly authorized be the Executive Committee. It will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to have an annual audit of the Association's books. The Treasurer is voted into office every Two (2) years by the general membership. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Regional Coordinator: The Regional Coordinator conducts membership drives for his areas and coordinators multi-department training and meetings within their region. The Regional Coordinator is a spokesperson and represents their region to the Executive Board. Regional Coordinator will represent the organization to any law enforcement agency is his region. The Regional Coordinator is voted into office every two years by the general membership of the region. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Elections: All candidates for office shall submit their application for office to the Secretary by October 15th. of the election year. The Secretary will then place the candidate’s names on the ballot for election. The ballots will be mailed to all active members no later than November 5th. All active members will have until December 5th. to vote and returned the ballot in the self address envelope mailed with the ballot. This envelope will be number for record keeping matters only. No ballot will be counted that is not mailed in the provided ballot envelope. The secretary will receive the returned envelope and note the number on the master mail-out list. The secretary will not open any ballot envelope. The election committee will then meet sometime after December 8th to count the votes. The Secretary will attend the meeting to turn the ballot envelopes over to the chairperson. The chairperson will sign the master mail-out lists as receiving all returned ballots envelopes. The election committee will then open each envelope and remove the ballot. No ballot will be opened and counted until all ballots have been removed from the envelopes. The envelopes will then be destroyed. The ballots will then be counted. Once the votes have been counted the chairperson will document the results on the election report form and all members of the election committee will sign certifying the results. All candidates will then be notified by January 1st of the results and then the results will be made public. The elected candidate will take office the January 15th. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Meetings: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Executive Committee present. The President shall call at least four general memberships meeting during the calendar year. The President shall set dates for such meeting with the approval of majority of the Executive Committee. Meetings shall be conducted according to Parliamentary Procedures, Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and shall be the guide for conducting all meetings. Special meetings may be called and conducted by use of conference calls, or internet in a designated chat room. A quorum shall consist of the majority of Executive Committee, participating and signed on. All meetings shall be schedule in advance so that adequate notification can be made to the general membership. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Rules of Order: Any member desiring the privilege of the floor shall rise and address the chair. No member shall be allowed to speak until properly moved and recorded and declared upon for discussion by the chair. Any member may call for a vote on any question, which each member present shall be required to answer to his name on the roll unless excused by the chair. A motion to reconsider must come from a member who voted with the majority when the original motion was consider and voted on. No member shall leave the room during a meeting, unless the chair gives permission. When any member raises a point of order a person having the floor shall take his/her seat until the chair decides the point, if proper, he/she may resume his/her remarks. No subject laid on the table shall be taken up again during the same meeting unless it was so understood when disposed of. Any member may appeal to the Association from the decision of the chair. The question shall be stated: "Shall the decision of the chair be sustained"? It shall be decided by a majority vote of the votes cast. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Rules and Regulations: Rules and Regulations shall be established by a quorum as the need arises. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Bylaws: Amendments, additions, or deletions shall be the duty of the Bylaws committee, which shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Executive Board and Two (2) members of the general membership to codify all proposed changes, additions, or deletions to the Bylaws. All proposed changes must be submitted in writing to the Bylaws Committee. The committee shall present the final form to the Executive Committee with recommendations. The General Membership shall vote on any Bylaw and certification rule changes at a General Membership meeting. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Code of Ethics:
1) By making application for membership it shall be understood that the applicant agrees to abide by these bylaws and all rules adopted by the Executive Committee. He/she further agrees to abide by the Code of Ethics.
2) No member will act in a manner prejudicial to the Association or to the best interests of the Association.
3) No member will knowingly falsify any record or document in connection with the certification or sale of a canine.
4) In any exhibition or seminar, no member will conduct him/herself otherwise that in accordance with the highest traditions and standards of fair play and good sportsmanship.
5) Any member in good standing may prefer charges against any other member for alleged conduct in violation of the above code of ethics. Such charges must be in writing signed be the complainant, setting forth the facts upon which the charges are based in a concise and summary manner and shall be filed with the Grievance Committee Chairperson. The complainant must agree to appear and furnish full evidence in support of the charges if requested to do so. The Grievance Committee will then proceeded as in Article Eleven.
6) Disciplinary action may include the temporary suspension of privileges, censure, expulsion or any other appropriate action.
7) If the Executive Committee finds that a member in preferring charges against another member did so for spurious reasons, out of improper motives and if the charges are wholly false and without proper foundation, then the Executive Committee may, if it desires, take appropriate disciplinary action against the complainant.
8) No disciplinary action shall be taken against a member, complainant or accused unless the member shall have been afforded the opportunity of a hearing before the Grievance Committee, with the right of appeal to the Executive Committee.
9) Every member shall be presumed innocent of misconduct, and disciplinary action shall be taken against a member only if he/she is found guilty of misconduct by evidence that is clear, precise and indubitable.
10) No member may use his or her status with SCPK9A or the SCPK9A name, to endorse any product or commercial enterprise without approval form the Executive Committee. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Impeachment: Any officer or member may be removed for any violation of the provisions of the Bylaws, or any personal conduct that may bring discredit upon the Association. Charges for the impeachment of any officer or member may be initiated by any member in good standing or Grievance Committee and shall be presented in writing to the Grievance Committee Chairperson. The accused officer or member will be given a copy of the charges against him/her. If the Grievance Committee ascertains that there is enough evidence to warrant a hearing, the accused member will be notified of the meeting at which the hearing will be held, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing date. The accused shall be given the right to present evidence in his/her behalf at the hearing. Any member filing a complaint will be assessed a $10.00 fee, returnable upon a true finding. The Grievance Committee will then decide if the accused is innocent or guilty of the charges and present a recommendation to the Executive Committee. If the accused is in fact found guilty, the Executive Committee will decide his/her penalty. If it decides the charges warrant impeachment, with a majority vote of the Executive Committee present, the accused member shall be removed from office and the accused member shall never hold an office in the Association. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Dues: The yearly dues of the Association beginning January 1, 2015 will be $25.00 for Active membership. Associate membership yearly dues are $25.00 yearly. After recording the date received and the amount, the Secretary will forward all monies to the Treasurer. Any accreditation held be any member will be invalid if dues are unpaid. There will be a $30.00 NSF fee on any check returned. Executive Committee, Regional Coordinators, and Certifying Official dues are waived while holding office. The yearly dues include all certifications and one retest for that year. (Adopted February 7, 2006, amended November 6, 2014)
Certification: The following test rules have been adopted by the South Carolina Police K-9 Association (SCPK9A). Each of the following tests is designed to determine the proficiency of the working dog team in each phase of police work for K-9's. All police service dogs deployed in South Carolina should be tested and certified. The successful passing and certification in each area of test is acceptable testimony in a court of law. Each test is based on a pass/fail basis. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Certifying Official: Certifying Official will designate the area, phase, and manner of each phase to be tested. The Certifying Official should make every effort not to interfere with or distract the working team. The Certifying Official will observe the working canine during each test for willingness, enjoyment, interest, and accuracy. Handlers will be observed for ability and overall control of his/her canine. Upon successful completion of each test the Certifying Official will issue the team a review report with pass/fail status. A certification will be issued by the South Carolina Police K-9 Association Headquarters and will be valid for one (1) years from the date of issue. Standards for Certifying Official: To be eligible to be a Certifying Official, one must be a member or advisor in good standing of the SCPK9A. Applicant will request a certifying official packet from the Secretary of the SCPK9A. Applicant will complete the packet and return it to the Secretary of the SCPK9A. The packet will include a personal resume', and copies of certifications. All information submitted will be validated by SCPK9A Executive Committee. Applicants must be fair and honest to all participants and fluent in the Standards of Certifications. Applicants must uphold the Standards and be available to testify to his/her personal observances of individual Police K-9 Certifications. Applicants may be subject to an interview by the Executive Committee. A Certifying Official may not certify a canine he/she is a member with the same agency the canine team is certifying or the vendor of the certifying team. A Certifying Official may be removed from certifying official status be a majority vote of the Executive Committee. If a Certifying Official is inactive from certifying canine teams for a period of one (1) year, then the Executive Committee may terminate their Certifying Official credentials.
(Adopted February 7, 2006 amended November 6, 2014 )
Pass/Fail System: All tests are scored on a pass/fail basis. No scores will be used or recorded by SCPK9A. Any canine team that fails a test and feels they have been judged wrongly will have thirty (30) minutes to notify the Certifying event coordinator. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Appeal: A canine team that fails any of the following tests may reapply for testing at a later time in the day or the next and most convenient time and date. All of the following tests are on a pass/fail basis. No scores will be used or recorded by South Carolina Police K-9 Association. Any canine team that fails a test and feels that they have been judged unfairly will at the time of the test, notify the Certifying Official. The canine team will then have thirty (30) minutes to notify the Event Appeal coordinator of the appeal. The canine team will then fill a complete report of their observations and reasons they feel they were judged unfairly. The Certifying Official having been notified of the appeal will file a report of his/her observations, all testing sheets and his basis for failing the team. All reports will be filed within ten (10) days of the test to the President of the SCPK9A. The President will then appoint an executive committee and one other certifying official to review the appeal with him /her. Reports or copies thereof will be forwarded to the President. The committee will then have thirty (30) days to review the appeal and submit a reply. The decision will be final. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Retest Fees: Each team will have one free retest for any phase failed. There will be a fee of $10.00 imposed for each phase, which is failed and retested after the first retest. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
Abuse of a K-9: During any SCPK9A function, any Certifying Official who observes what they believe to be cruel, abusive or inappropriate treatment of a canine will have the right to terminate the existing exercises. The team will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the function. Until the following is done, as soon as possible thereafter, the Certifying Official/Member will file a written report to the President of this incident. After a vote of the board, either the matter will be handled by the grievance procedure or the team will be reinstated to complete whatever part of the function remains, if any. (Adopted February 7, 2006)
South Carolina Police K-9 Association Certification Standards
OBEDIENCE: This test is to determine if the police service dog can perform off lead obedience exercise. The test is designed to test the dogs ability and proficiency and the handlers total control over their dog. Handler/ K9 Conduct: Handlers are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of their individual K-9 (s) for the reasons of safety. Handlers are expected to maintain the code of conduct established by the respective organization that they represent. If a matter of disputes arises it shall be the handler’s and Certifying Officials responsibility to bring the matter to the attention of the event coordinator of the association. It is expected that most matters be resolved at lowest level possible. Handlers are expected to maintain control of their K9 (s) at all times. This includes in and out of the training field and around others. Uncontrolled uncorrected K9 aggression towards handlers, K9’s, Certifying Officials, or spectators will be considered grounds for dismissal from the certifications. ***This test must be passed before proceeding on to Controlled Apprehension *** The obedience test shall be conducted off leash. The canine team will demonstrate the ability to complete the following exercises: A heeling phase that will consist of normal pace, a fast pace, and a slow pace. A minimum of two (2) Left Turns, two (2) Right turns and two (2) About Turns. The distance of each leg will be determined by the certifying officials. Distance phases that will consist of placing the dog in a down, sit, or stay position while walking and not breaking stride and leaving them in that position. The handler will continue walking to approximately 30 feet away and then turn and come back to the dog, passing the dog and going behind the dog approximately 30 feet before coming back to the dog and picking the dog up in a heel position. They will heel together to the end of the leg and finish with a sit. The dog will stay while the handler is moving downfield and behind him, but the handler may give one additional command to stay, if necessary. This exercise will be done all in one test. The choice and the order of command or signals will be at the direction of the certifying officials.
Prohibited Equipment: At no time during any of the certifications test will sticks, whips, electronic or ultrasonic devices are used. *If the certifying agencies K-9 Unit supervisor gives a particular K-9 team under his/her supervision a directive that the K-9 must wear an electronic collar when working the street, a written and notarized letter from the supervisor must be submitted to the certifier prior to conducting the certification. No transmitters will be allowed on the certification field and the collar must be in the off position. This team must wear the collar during all certifications (i.e. tracking/trailing, scent detection).
All tests given to the K9 Team will be on a pass/fail basis. The certifying officials will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and dog will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the dog changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
ARTICLE SEARCH: This test is designed to test the canine's ability and proficiency in searching a designated area for articles having human scent on them. This would represent a search for discarded evidence or lost items. Certifying officials and handlers should review these rules in their entirety. Certifying officials will observe the test from outside the search area. The certifying official will designate the search area.
Search Area: The area to be searched will be no less than 60 feet by 60 feet nor larger than 70 feet by 70 feet. It will be covered by heavy vegetation no less than four (4) inches high nor higher than twelve (12) inches. One or more subjects crossing through the area at least twice with a canine will contaminate the search area prior to the test. Search Articles: Three (3) articles of different composition (metal, wood, paper, etc.) will be thrown at random into the search area. The team to be tested will not view this being done. One (1) article will be of metal composition. The articles to be used will be selected from, but not limited to, the following list: a) Plastic credit card b) Purse c) Shotgun shell d) Leather Wallet e) Screwdriver (4" - 6") f) Crumpled cigarette package g) Empty metal handgun h) Knife Articles are to be selected by the Certifying official according to availability.
Time: There will be a five (5) minute time limit for this test. A warning will be given when one (1) minute remain for the test. Time will start when the handler sends his/her canine into the search area. Handler: The canine, on clearly indication or finding an article may be encouraged to retrieve it. Preferably, the handler will treat the item as evidence and mark the location or recover it him or herself. The handler may enter the search area and direct the search as he/she would in an actual situation. After each indication and article recovery the handler will command the canine to continue to search. The canine will be judged on their abilities to alert and indicate to the search article. The canine must make two (2) finds out of three (3) to pass the test. Failure of this test may be based on lack of handler control, disinterest on the part of the canine, biting of the certifying official. All tests given the canine team will be on pass/fail basis. The certifying officials will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
AREA SEARCH: This test is designed to test the canine's ability and proficiency in searching for a hidden suspect within a large area when no known track is available. The team being tested should use the wind and air currents to their best advantage.
***The team must have certified in Controlled Apprehension***
Certifying Official: The certifying official will accompany the team during the entire test. The certifying official will make every effort not to distract or interfere with the canine. The certifying official will designate the general area to be searched. Handlers: Handlers may select the starting point outside the search area that he/she wishes. The handler will treat the search as an actual situation and will search as so. The handler will be equipped with all equipment that he/she wears in an actual situation. The handler will have his/her weapon cleared before entering the area and no live ammunition will be on his/her person. The canine will also be equipped all equipment worn in an actual situation. This test may be done on or off leash. The leash may not be any shorter than six (6) feet nor longer than thirty (30) feet. The handler will give warnings to the area before entering the search area. When the canine locates the suspect, the handler will make the decision for the canine to apprehend or to a call out of the suspect circumstances/suspects behavior shall dedicate the dog and handlers actions.
Suspect: The suspect will hide in the area at least ten (10) minutes prior to the beginning of the test. The suspect should be an unknown person not normally used in training with the canine. The suspect will hide themselves from view of the team using available concealment. The suspect will be in full bite suit for this test.
Time and Area: The size of area will be at the discretion of the Certifying Official. The time allowed will be a minimum of (15) fifteen minuets. In most cases as long as the canine is searching time will not be called. When it is obvious to the certifying official that the canine is not searching for the suspect, the certifying official will inform the handler of the failure of the test. *All tests given the canine team will be on pass/fail basis. The certifying officials will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
TRACKING/ TRAILING: This test is designed to determine if the canine is capable of tracking an unknown subject in an unfamiliar area. This test is intended to be closely simulative of working situations. This is a test of the canine's ability and proficiency and the handler's control of the canine. Handler: Handlers will equip themselves and canine as that would in an actual situation.
Suspects: The suspect will be unknown to the canine when possible. The suspect/track layer will receive instruction from the Certifying Official for the method and direction that the track is to be laid. The track will be laid as close to an actual situation as possible. Before the track is laid, the certifying official will inform the handler whether a suspect or a scent article from the suspect will be at the end of the track.
Track: The handler and canine will be secluded from the area of the track. When the test begins the certifying official will inform the handler of the approximate area to begin. The handler will not be told in which direction the track leads. There will be one (1) fresh cross track laid at fifteen (15) minutes after the original track is laid. The cross track will be laid by a second person to test the canines scent discrimination. The track must be at least one-quarter ¼ mile long yet no longer than one half 1/2 of a mile and have at least two (2) types of surfaces, which are, covered (dirt, concrete, woods, etc.). The track will be at least thirty (30) minutes old yet not older than 1 hour prior to beginning the test, and have at least three (3) turns no acute angle turns will be used in it. Due to climatic conditions the age of the track will be at the discretion of the certifying official. *All tests given the canine team will be on pass/fail basis. The certifying officials will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
BUILDING SEARCH: This test is designed to be simulative of a working situation. Three (3) basic types of buildings are selected and described for use on this test. The certifying official will accompany the team to observe the entire test, as could happen when a backup officer or superior officer would accompany the canine team during an actual search. Officer survival tactics will be used. The handler’s weapon will be cleared by certifying official before beginning this test. No live ammunition will be carried on the handler's person.
***The team must have certified in Controlled Apprehension***
Building Types: Residential dwellings, Warehouse, armory, barn, open areas within the building, School, hotel, office building, multi-room interior *Buildings or search area shall be a minimum of 2,000 sq. ft with multiple rooms. Suspect: Will be hidden at least ten (10) minutes prior to the test starting. Will be hidden in a place of concealment, which is not visible to the canine and handler. Will wear protective sleeve if necessary for protection. Whenever possible, will be a person unknown to the canine, and not normally used in training with the canine. Should be brought into the building be way of a different route than that to be used by the canine and handler. Will be placed in concealment no more than fifteen (15) feet height.
Certifying Official: Will designate the area of the building to be used for the test. Will designate the area in which the team is to begin their search. Will accompany the team into the building and must be able to observe the test. The Certifying official should make every effort not to interfere with the test, and should confer with the handler to reach an agreement as how not to disturb the canine work, follow behind and observe from doorways, ladder, etc. When it is obvious to the certifying official that the canine is not searching for the suspect, the certifying official will inform the handler of the failure for this test. Will clear the handlers weapon before the test starts and make sure the handler has no live ammunition on his/her person. Handler: This test may be done on or off leash. Equipment normally used in an actual situation should be used. The handler will accompany the canine throughout the test, and may encourage his/her canine with commands and praise as needed. In NO case will the handler open any doors that are closed within his/her search area. Rooms with open doors should be searched thoroughly. The canine indication of the find of the suspect must be obvious to the certifying official. If the canine indicates that the suspect is behind a closed door, the handler will call the suspect out. *All tests given the canine team will be on pass/fail basis. The certifying officials will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
CONTROLLED APPHREHENSION: This test is to determine if the canine is capable of performing exercises encountered by the police handler and his/her dog under simulated situations encountered while working. The test is designed to test the canine’s ability, proficiency and courage, and the handler’s total control of his/her dog. There are four (4) phases of this test. The canine and handler will be tested in all phases in the order as determined by the certifying official. Each phase is tested on a pass/fail basis and must be passed before proceeding to the next phase. There are options for equipment utilized during the test. Prior to the test the certifying official and suspect must approve of the option utilized, inspect and approve all equipment used. Hidden, concealed protective gear will be worn by the suspect. This equipment is to be completely concealed by clothing so as to provide no visual cue to the dog as to it’s existence or location or a visible colored (other than jute color) full protective aggression suit may be used. In the event of any safety issue raised by the suspect, handler or certifying official, the certifying official has the discretion to mandate the use of a protective aggression suit described above. The type of lead used by the handler will be at his/her discretion, but will not be over six (6) feet long. Each phase shall be completed off lead unless specified otherwise. Guns will be cleared of live ammunition and handlers will have no live ammunition on their person. Gun fire will be with blanks and will be checked by a certifying official or an appointed safety officer prior to the phase. Whenever possible, the suspect will be unknown to the canine. The suspects may be other handlers being tested or volunteers with the approval of the certifying official, or in some cases the certifying official themselves. In the phases requiring the canine to physically apprehend the suspect, the canine must fully engage and hold/fight the suspect. Failure to engage or excessive, unnecessary mouthing and readjusting of the apprehension are grounds for failure. In the phases requiring the canine to stop his pursuit and apprehension of the suspect, the handler may use any command or series of commands to control the dog. The handler will inform the certifying official prior to testing as to the command sequence used. Failure of the dog to release and/or to respond to obedience commands in a timely manner is grounds for failure. The handler must demonstrate sound tactics during all phases of the test. When a search of the suspect is called for the handler must demonstrate a safe approach, simulate handcuffing and thoroughly search the suspect for weapons. Only the phases and exercises listed/described are required for successful completion of this test. The order of the phases and the exercises performed at the desecration of the certifying official.
PHASE 1: Control Work- (Present the sleeve shake-hands, False Run) The canine will begin this phase from the heel position. The suspect will approach the canine team in a friendly manner and stop to shake hands with the handler, after the brief shaking of hands the suspect will turn and walk away to his starting point. Then the suspect will walk briskly towards the canine team stop and turn and jog away. The distance to approach the canine team and stop will be at a reasonable distance of the Certifying Officials discretion.
PHASE 2: Termination of Chase (Recall) The canine will begin this phase from the heel position or the police unit. The suspect will begin at a distance no less than twenty (20) feet or more then fifty (50) feet from the canine team. At the direction of the certifying official, the suspect will run away from the team in any direction. The certifying official will inform the handler when to send their dog. The suspect will stop and surrender terminating the pursuit when instructed by the certifying official. The type of call off used is at the handler’s discretion, but the certifying official must be informed of the type to be used prior to the test. It may be one of the following:
1.) Canine is recalled to the heel position.
2.) Canine is commanded to the down, sit or stand position and the handler will join their canine.
3.) Canine is commanded to the down, sit or stand position and then recalled by the handler to the heel position.
The importance of this test is that the suspect is not mouthed, nipped or bitten by the canine regardless of the type of call off used and that the K-9 precede at least 60% of the distance to the suspect. Non aggressive incidental contact made by the canine while attempting to respond to the call off is not faulty. This phase will be complete when the canine is in the heel position with the handler.
PHASE 3: Short Chase with Gun Fire The canine will begin this phase from the heel position or the police unit. The suspect carrying a blank firing weapon loaded with blanks will start at a distance of thirty (30) to fifty (50) feet from the canine team. The suspect will run away and once the canine is in pursuit the suspect will fire a minimum of two shots. The canine will apprehend and hold the suspect and the suspect will fire one (1) more round away from the canine. Upon the handlers arrival at the location of the canine and suspect and at the direction of the certifying official, the handler will order the suspect to drop the weapon and then command the canine to release and call off as described in phase two (2). This phase is complete when the canine is returned to the heel position with the handler.
PHASE 4: Handler Protection From or Next to a Vehicle The canine and handler in or next to a stationary vehicle will order the suspect approach to them. The handler then orders the suspect to an appropriate position approaches the suspect and then simulates handcuffing the suspect. The suspect then simulates assaulting the handler. The dog will apprehend and hold the suspect without command from the handler. The handler will then be directed to remove the K-9 from the decoy. *All tests given the K9 team will be on a pass/fail basis. The certifying official will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the team will need to be certified.
NARCOTIC DETECTION TEST: This test is designed to determine the proficiency and reliability of dogs in the detection of narcotics. The basic narcotic odors (and their derivatives) that can be tested in are marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. The general rules for testing narcotic detection canine will be as follows:
1) Minimum Requirements to Certify
2) All rulings by certifying officials are subject to appeal.
3)All K-9’s must find marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine to certify, in both the building and vehicle phases.
Drug Quantities Used for Certifications: Each training aid used for certification will weigh no less than ten (10) grams and no more than twenty eight (28) grams. The drug training aid shall be hidden from view for no less than thirty (30) minuets prior to running the certification. No pseudo drugs will be used during certification. Search Area: For certification, the K-9 team will search five (5) rooms. Of those five (5) rooms, and in no specific order, one (1) room will contain one (1) marijuana aid, one (1) room will contain one (1) cocaine aid, one (1) room will contain one (1) heroin aid, one (1) room will contain one (1) methamphetamine aid and the fifth room will be blank. The hides in the rooms shall be hidden no higher than five (5) feet high; Or for certification, the K-9 team will search five (5) vehicles. Of those five (5) vehicles, and in no specific order, one (1) vehicle will contain one (1) marijuana aid, one (1) vehicle will contain one (1) cocaine aid, one (1) vehicle will contain one (1) heroin aid, one (1) vehicle will contain one (1) methamphetamine aid and the fifth vehicle will be blank. Two of the hides shall be hidden inside the vehicle compartment and two of the hides shall be hidden concealed on the exterior of the vehicle. Vehicles used, shall be of the following type vehicles; cars, vans, pick up trucks and SUV’s or as designated by the certifying officials. Time Allotted: Three (3) minutes will be allotted for each room and each vehicle. Time will start when the K-9 enters the room or begins sniffing the vehicle. Once the three (3) minutes expires, the handler will be asked to call the room or vehicle. At that time the certification for that search area is terminated. Alerts and Rewards: The K-9 handler is responsible for advising the certifying officials prior to beginning the certification which type of alert to expect from the K-9, aggressive or passive. The K-9 handler must call the alert. The K-9 will be allowed only one (1) false alert for the entire room phase or only one (1) false alert for the entire vehicle phase. A false alert is considered when the handler calls an alert and there is no odor at the point where the handler calls the alert. Teams are not allowed to miss any of the hides. No narcotic scented rewards will be allowed.
EXPLOSIVE DETECTION TEST: This test will determine the proficiency and reliability of canine in the detection of explosives. Minimum Requirements to Certify To conduct an explosive certification, there will be two (2) explosive certifying officials from the South Carolina Police K-9 Association present. All rulings by certifying officials are final. All K-9’s must find a total of six (6) aids which will be taken from the following groups:
1) Powders
2) Dynamite
3) RDX
4) Ammonium Nitrate
5) TNT
6) Water Gels
8) Slurries
Explosive Quantities Used for Certifications: Each aid used for certification will consist of no less than one quarter (1/4) pound of material. No pseudo odors will be used during certification. No detonating devices will be placed with the aid or used in certification.
Search Area: For certification, the K-9 team will search four (4) rooms, four (4) vehicles and four (4) rows of five (5) boxes and/or suitcases. Two (2) aids will be located in each area of searches. Buildings: The search area will consist of four (4) rooms consisting of no less than four hundred (400) square feet each. Of those four (4) rooms, and in no specific order, one (1) room will contain one (1) aid, one (1) room will contain another aid and the other two (2) rooms will be blank. Vehicles: The search area will consist of four (4) vehicles. The vehicles will be spaced in such a way that cross contamination will not take place. Of those four (4) vehicles, and in no specific order, one (1) vehicle will contain one (1) aid, one (1) vehicle will contain another aid and the other two (2) vehicles will be blank. Only exterior hides will be allowed. Boxes and/or Suitcases: The search area will consist of four (4) rows. Each row will contain five (5) boxes and/or suitcases. The rows and items will be spaced in such a way that cross contamination will not take place. Of those four (4) rows, and in no specific order, one (1) row will contain one (1) aid, one (1) row will contain another aid and the other two (2) rows will be blank.
Time Allotted:
1) Buildings
Fifteen (15) minutes will be allotted to search all rooms. Time will start when the K-9 enters the first room. *The handler will be asked to call the alerts as the team searches.
2) Vehicles
Fifteen (15) minutes will be allotted to search all vehicles.
Time will start when the K-9 starts sniffing the first vehicle. *The handler will be asked to call the alerts as the team searches.
3) Boxes and/or Suitcases
Ten (10) minutes will be allotted to search all boxes and/or suitcases. Time will start when the K-9 starts sniffing the first row.
*The handler will be asked to call the alerts as the team searches.
Alerts and Rewards: The K-9 handler must call the alert. The K-9 will be allowed only one (1) false alert in the entire certification. No explosive scented rewards will be allowed. *All tests given the K9 team will be on a pass/fail basis. The certifying official will determine if the team will be certified upon the completion of the test. The handler and canine will be considered as a team and it is the team who will be certified. If the canine changes handlers, a new team exists and the new team needs to be certified.
Certifying Official Standards Minimum Requirements: Be an active member or Advisor in good standing with South Carolina Police K-9 Association. Application Process: Active member may obtain an application from the secretary. An application packet must be made containing the following documents:
1) Application
2) Documentation from all schools and / or seminars
3) Resume with up to date work history related to K-9.
The applicant must submit the application packet to an executive board member. All applications will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and the committee may interview the applicant and may contact schools or seminars for confirming training.
Term: All certifying officials will serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Newly appointed certifiers must go through a training phase with an experienced certifier before certifying teams. Any complaints against a certifying official must be made in writing to the President. The Executive Committee will investigate and report the findings and decisions in writing to the certifying official and complainant. The Certifying Official must be reappointed each year by the Executive Committee. All certifying Officials must remain active participants in the association.
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